Thursday, December 3, 2009

Update on Maddie

Our sweet little will soon be 10 months old. She is doing all kinds of things now. She has been pulling up on anything that she can reach and has been for about 2 months. My wonderful mother-in-law bought her a walking toy and it only took her 3 days to figure it out! She just crawled up to it and grabbed on to the handle and took off!! She didn't just take a few steps she was walking through the house!! I couldn't have been more proud!! She also has started saying mama!!!! I almost cried the first time she said it!! Everyday is a new adventure!! She also says bye bye, claps her hands and the latest is she claps her hands when I sing pattycake!! She is so precious to us and we love her so much!!


  1. Aww, I just love my Maddie Grace!! She is so precious! She is growing so fast! It seems like yesterday when I walked in the room after she was born and we both burst into tears! It was a day I will remember forever! I am so glad our children will grow up together, we already have so many wonderful memories! I can't wait to make many, many more! I love ya'll SO much!!

  2. Thank you so much!! Maddie Grace is a little cutie pie. Aren't they growing way too fast!! Hope you have a great day :)
